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Frequently Asked Questions

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Q1: Do you Fill Outside Balloons that I have purchased elsewhere?

Answer: Infact we do fill up outside balloons however, we cannot guarantee that your balloons will not pop or float since we cannot reimburse you for it. 


Q2: How much will it cost for my own balloons to be filled up at your store?

Answer: It depends on if it's latex or mylar. It can be anywhere from $2.25 each to $30.00, this is just an estimate. Once you bring your balloons in to our store we can give you a more accurate price. 


Q3: Do you sell the portable helium tanks?

Answer: Unfortunetly, we do not due to the quality and expense, it isn't worth it.


Q4: How long do your balloons last with helium in them?

Answer: We guarantee three days for our latex and mylar balloons. Most customers tell us their latex last for nearly a week, and the mylars lasted for over a month or more.The only ones we do not gaurantee is the confetti latex filled balloons because we cannot put our solution to keep the helium from leaking, those normally last for 8 to 12 hours. 


Q5: Do you sell costumes?

Answer: We absolutely do not, due to the amount of space in our store. What we do sell is party goods for any party, even bachelorette gatherings.


For additional questions we prefer customers to give us a call as we do not look at our email constantly. You will get a instant response calling us directly. Thank You! We hope these questions help!


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(541) 408-1135


Bend River Promanade

Next to Macy's

3188 North Highway 97 

Bend, Oregon 97703

The Best Way To Reach Us to Place a Balloon Order is by Calling us. Thank You!


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